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There is a wide range of reasons why people need podiatry services. These include the professional treatment of corns, calluses or warts, and of painful and unsightly conditions such as ingrown toenails or fungal nails. If you have ever suffered any of the above with your feet, then this will have been both visible and obvious. Once the problem has been solved, the outcome is also noticeable in increased levels of comfort and better-looking feet, and at Canberra Podiatry, we’ve been helping residents of the Canberra region with their foot health for 19 years.

Another action podiatrists undertake is one where the need is usually less visible, or outwardly unnoticeable, but so important. This is in providing annual diabetic foot inspections. Diabetes itself is a condition which gives away little in the way of outward signs, but is certainly extremely serious and often life-threatening. If you have been diagnosed with the condition then you’ll know that your doctor will have asked you to undergo regular blood tests to check how your body’s systems are functioning. Yet the condition can also have truly serious, even dangerous, effects on your feet, again often with little in the way of obvious signs or outward evidence.

This is why it’s important to have your feet checked on a regular basis. This is an extensive assessment – and you can find an example of what is covered here. In terms of what isn’t visible, then Doppler ultrasound will check the vital area of healthy blood circulation in your feet. You’ll also undergo a range of neurological tests that allow to check for sensation and feeling.

Doctors recommend that you undergo such a diabetic foot check at least once a year. It also gives you the chance to discuss your condition, and ask any questions of an experienced podiatry team that may have been lingering at the back of your mind. In fact, if you’d like to ask any now, or book that important assessment, please call us here at Canberra Podiatry on 6281 1200.